Welcome to my blog called, “The Drew Line.”   The main objective of this blog will be to start with a discussion of a financial topic in the mass media or seen on one of the many credible websites.   I will make reference to this primary material and provide a link to that original material.   In addition, I will consider similar information from a different point of view.   So often, I read these financial articles and I have fundamental problems with how they present information.   Very often, to make the article timely, the author will focus on a very narrow question related to a larger issue.   Only a few scant sentences are used on this background information.   I envision The Drew Line as an attempt to add this background information, to better inform you about information you are hearing presently in the media.

To those of you who are still awake, THANK YOU!!  It is also my objective to make this blog as interesting as possible.   Over the years, as a society, we have added cumulative layers of complications to financial matters.  But, when we strip away the confusing words (usually written by accountants and lawyers, trying valiantly to either put us to sleep or convince us that they are brilliant) we often find that there is a pretty good reason why a law was passed, or why a procedure is used.   Often, there is an interesting story (well-hidden) within this occurrence. I will attempt to elucidate this kernel of logic to the best of my ability and present it in an entertaining manner.

Each blog entry will be rather short, 500-700 words will be the standard length.   This allows for a comprehensive overview of a topic, but it is short enough to be able to read it quickly, in the midst of the madness of a regular day.  For those of you who would like to know more on a topic, I will add a section at the end of each post, called, “References.”  In this section I will add 3 or 4 excellent references on the topic, culled from only credible sources.

I realize that this is a rather august set of objectives, but I think I am fairly well-equipped to take on this challenge.   In 2008, I obtained my license as a CPA in the State of Maryland.   In 2012, I obtained my certificate as a Certified Fraud Examiner from the ACFE.  And in 2015, I finished my MBA at Frostburg State University.  Also, I have been employed by the IRS, in various positions, since 2008.  All of this has given me a good broad view of the financial field, and more importantly, a thirst to know even more.  This, more than anything else, is the passion I want to share with you.

I very much look forward to “seeing you” as I present other blog posts.  Please feel free to add comments.  I will make every attempt to reply to as many as possible.  Further, while on my website, please feel free to look around.   I plan to add several resources that you might find useful or entertaining (possibly both.)   Please stay tuned: This blog and website are a work in progress, and I am excited to learn and  I appreciate your input and contributions.  In particular, if there is a subject you would like me to address, I would be interested to know of it.

Thank you for your attention.   I look forward to our conversations!

Andrew W. Kolody, M.B.A., CPA

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